
问亚伦! 您关于佛罗里达州商业法的问题已得到解答


发布的 亚伦R. 雷斯尼克 | 2024年6月29日 | 0评论



In 2024, Florida enacted significant legislative changes to condominium laws aimed at enhancing the safety, 财务透明度, 以及共管公寓协会的治理. 这些变化, 由州长罗恩·德桑蒂斯签署成为法律, 是对瑟夫赛德公寓倒塌悲剧和其他安全问题的直接回应吗. This comprehensive guide highlights the key aspects of these new laws and their implications for condo owners and associations, 从专家的见解 艾伦·雷斯尼克律师事务所.


1. 强制性结构检查

Senate Bill SB-4D mandates that buildings over 30 years old and taller than three stories undergo structural inspections every ten years. These inspections must be conducted by licensed engineers or architects and are intended to identify and address any potential structural deficiencies.


公寓业主, 这确保了潜在的结构性问题被及时识别和纠正, 加强家庭安全. 为协会, it introduces the responsibility of coordinating these inspections and ensuring compliance with the new regulations.

2. 结构维修储备金

The legislation requires condo associations to maintain reserve funds specifically allocated for structural repairs and maintenance. 这些资金必须根据每十年进行一次的储备研究来确定, 如SB-4D所述. Reserve studies assess future repair and maintenance needs and determine the amount of money that should be set aside annually.


为业主, this ensures that funds are available for necessary repairs without sudden assessments. 为协会, it means careful financial planning and possibly increasing association fees to build up these reserves.

3. 加强财务披露

Senate Bill SB-1966 introduces stringent 财务透明度 requirements for condo associations. 他们必须向所有业主提供详细的财务报告, 包括有关储备资金的资料, 预计支出, 整体财务健康. 这些报告必须每年由注册会计师(CPA)进行审计。.


为业主, this provides greater 透明度 and allows them to make informed decisions about their investments and understand the financial standing of their association. 为协会, 它需要强有力的财务管理实践和严格的审计标准.

4. 董事会成员资格和责任

新法律对共管公寓协会董事会成员的资格要求更为严格, 如SB-1966所规定. Board members must meet specific criteria to ensure they possess the necessary skills and knowledge to manage the association effectively. 另外, board members are required to complete a certification course within 90 days of their election or appointment, 涵盖他们的职责和协会的管理文件.


为业主, these qualifications ensure that their associations are managed by knowledgeable and responsible individuals. 为协会, it requires ensuring all board members comply with these qualifications and complete the necessary training, 促进更好的治理和问责制.


5. 共管公寓委员会教育和培训

这项被称为“Condo 3”的新法律.0,” mandates that new board members undergo four hours of education on how to run a condo association. 这一措施旨在使它们不容易受到外部供应商的操纵, 律师, 或者他们自己的居民.

6. 公寓的强制性网页

Condos with 25 units or more are now required to set up web pages that include essential documents such as bylaws, 预算, 和供应商的合同清单. 这个需求, 这条规定以前只适用于至少有150个单元的公寓, 旨在为公寓业主增加透明度和可达性.

7. 以规定

The new law bars boards from retaliating against dissenters through the filing of defamation lawsuits. 这项措施解决了滥用诽谤诉讼来压制异议的问题, 这在佛罗里达州是一个重大问题.

8. 加强国家监督

The Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation (DBPR) now has more authority to investigate wrongdoing by condo boards. 这包括增加经费以雇用更多的工作人员, ensuring that the DBPR can effectively oversee condo associations and address complaints of corruption, 不公平的治理, 还有其他的滥用.


这些附加条款进一步加强了共管公寓协会的治理和透明度. The mandatory education and training for board members ensure they are well-equipped to manage their responsibilities effectively. 对网页的需求提高了可访问性和透明度, 允许所有者轻松访问重要文件. The anti-retaliation provisions protect owners from being unfairly targeted for voicing their concerns. Increased state oversight provides a mechanism for addressing and rectifying issues of mismanagement and abuse within condo associations.




The mandatory structural inspections and reserve fund requirements significantly enhance the safety and structural integrity of condominium buildings. Regular inspections help identify and address potential safety issues before they become critical, 保障居民生活环境安全. The requirement for well-funded reserve accounts ensures that associations are financially prepared to undertake necessary repairs and maintenance, 防止延期维修和结构损坏.


The new financial disclosure requirements promote greater 透明度 and accountability within condo associations. 业主现在可以访问详细的财务信息, allowing them to understand how their funds are being used and to make informed decisions about their investments. Associations must implement robust financial management practices and ensure compliance with the new auditing standards, 促进业主之间的信任和信心.


The stricter board member qualifications and accountability measures ensure that condo associations are managed by competent and responsible individuals. 董事会成员现在必须接受培训和认证, 确保他们理解自己的职责和协会的管理文件. 这促进了更好的治理和问责制, reducing the risk of mismanagement and fostering a more transparent and effective management structure.


驾驭这些新法规可能会很复杂, 公寓业主和协会都可能需要法律援助,以确保完全遵守规定. The 艾伦·雷斯尼克律师事务所 offers expert legal services to help clients understand and implement the necessary changes. 竞技宝体育竞猜的律师 为执行所需的检查提供指导, 管理财务披露, 并遵守新法律. We are dedicated to helping our clients protect their investments and ensure their associations are managed effectively.

Florida's new condo laws for 2024 bring significant changes that impact both condo owners and associations in various ways. 这些变化提高了安全性, 透明度, 问责制也会带来新的责任和潜在成本. 了解这些新需求以及它们对您的影响至关重要. The 艾伦·雷斯尼克律师事务所 is committed to helping you navigate these changes and ensure compliance. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you in adapting to the new legal landscape.



亚伦R. 雷斯尼克

亚伦雷斯尼克, a graduate of Leadership 迈阿密, is a leader in the 迈阿密's legal and cultural arts...


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We serve clients throughout Florida including those in the following localities: 迈阿密-Dade County including Aventura, 迈阿密, 科勒尔盖布尔斯, Doral, 是海里, 家园, 肯德尔, 比斯坎湾, 迈阿密海滩, 迈阿密湖, 北迈阿密, Tamiami, 威彻斯特, and North 迈阿密海滩; Broward County including Fort Lauderdale, 好莱坞, 库珀的城市, 珊瑚泉, Hallandale海滩, 奥克兰公园, 彭布罗克松树, 种植园, and Weston; and Palm Beach County including West Palm Beach
